For years we have all been encouraged to operate with less paperwork and more electronic storage. But it seems that a completely paperless society is still far on the horizon. I don’t know about you but I continually need lots of storage for paperwork. Add children and education to that and you have colored papers, lined paper, worksheets, and a myriad of other hard copy material you still need to store.
Hanging file folders in a file cabinet work well, but file cabinets take up space, and you can only have so many of them.

Years ago, I began using magazine files to store many of my papers. Magazine files are designed for storing magazines, and they are oriented in a portrait layout instead of the landscape layout of traditional file cabinets. So how do I use these portable containers for organized storage?
Enter the backpack folder.
It is designed with the dividing tabs on one end of the folder and a side opening for easy filling. They fit perfectly inside magazine files, allowing you to have an organized method of storing your important papers. Never seen them before? Actually, backpack folders are easier to find than you may think. Of course a quick internet search will provide you with plenty of sources to purchase from, but I have found them in Target and even the dollar store.
I love using this method of storing paperwork!

Because magazine files only require shelf or desk space, you can store this file system anywhere. I have a designated spot on a bookshelf for most of mine, but I also have some on top of a desk and a decorative one on a shelf with other materials. It hides my stuff in a beautiful way but also keeps it handy when I need it.
And because the magazine files are self-standing and portable, you can slide one out and bring it wherever you need it in your house.
When it comes to household organization, I like to think outside the box. I look at the available space I have and try to make it as useful as possible. This is one “trick” that has worked great for me.
If you are struggling with a paperwork monster that is difficult to contain, let me encourage you to try several methods until you find one that works best for you. But don’t invest in expensive storage containers until you do a trial run using maybe boxes and folders you have on hand. Then when you find something that works, you can be on the hunt for fun and pretty containers. After all, if we have to keep things organized, we can at least do it in a beautiful way!
Have an extraordinary day!